Often times if you are not able to see your own website or your email doesn't seem to be working properly, from a specific location, like your office or home, it is most times due to something that you did to get your IP address blacklisted in the server's firewall.
Sometimes it happens when you setup a new email address on a new computer and you are putting in the password wrong over and over. Or you did something that triggered one of the other security features we have in place. This is pretty common and the fix is very quick and easy.
The first thing to do when this happens is to visit http://whatismyip.com and copy the (external) IP address from the location where you are having the problem. Then create a new ticket stating "Check IP address in firewall" or something to indicate that issue, and then explain what is happening and include your IP address. Our first course of action will be to check the IP address against the server's firewall blacklist and if it is in there, we can quickly unblock and whitelist the IP address so the issues doesn't happen again.